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Climate action

Promotion of the right to food globally through local struggles: towards more just, equitable, and solidarity-based food systems in the (post) COVID-19 era

Voluntary COā‚‚ Emissions Compensation Program

Nutrició Without Borders was added to the "Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emissions Compensation Program" in 2018. Since then, every year the organization has participated in the program thanks to the reduction of food waste , which has a direct effect on reducing COā‚‚ emissions.


For the year 2023, we have again presented the COā‚‚ savings data to the Catalan Climate Change Office of the Generalitat of Catalonia, which after reviewing them has concluded that with the activity carried out in 16.68 tons of COā‚‚ could be saved from the Comparteix el Menjar project. 


These years of work in reducing food waste have led us to be one of the program's reference entities, which highlights the NGO's commitment to reducing COā‚‚ emissions.


Preventing Food Waste, an Action for Climate

The project "Preventing Food Waste, an Action for Climate" focuses on promoting responsible food consumption and preventing food waste as a key strategy to combat climate change.


The main objective of this project is to raise awareness in society about the importance of preventing food waste and to provide tools and resources to encourage a change in behavior in how we consume and manage food.

Additionally, it aims to highlight the close relationship between food waste and its impact on the climate.

At Nutricion Sin Fronteras, we will focus on two main tasks to achieve this objective:

  • Creation and distribution of awareness-raising tablecloths about food waste.

  • Printing and distribution of the Educational Game "Game of Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security."

Los Manteles

The placemats are designed with visual messages and practical tips to reduce food waste. Every time someone sits at the table and sees the placemat, they are reminded of the importance of caring for food and making the most of it.

The initiative to create these placemats aims to educate and raise awareness in school canteens, restaurants, and social entities. The project seeks to inspire people to appreciate the value of food, its cost, and to reduce food waste. The placemats are designed with visual messages and practical tips. Each time someone sits down and sees the placemat, they are reminded of the importance of caring for and maximizing the use of food.

The Game

Food and Nutritional Security is a concept that evolves depending on the historical moment and the societies we find ourselves in, closely related to the economic, political, and social context.


Globally, there is consensus that the right to food security is a human right composed of two elements:

  • Sufficient and adequate production and availability of food.

  • Nutritional dimension, meaning the relationship between human beings and food.

Facing this reality, NSF collaborated with TearSan (Teia de Articulação pelo Fortalecimento da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional) in the development of the "Food and Nutritional Security Game." This game is an adaptation of the one already designed by TearSan to raise awareness about the impact of food security on the lives of the Brazilian population, now adapted to the context in Catalonia.

presentacio joc de taula.JPG

In order to advance on the board, players must perform the actions indicated on the game squares.


  • There are cards containing statements that can make you lose or gain points.

  • Some cards contain questions to answer.

  • Other cards make you move forward or backward spaces to add dynamism to the game.


TearSAN is a Network of People, Institutions, Projects, and Ideas aimed at strengthening Food and Nutritional Security based on the understanding of adequate nutrition as a human right.


They develop and execute training and research projects guided by a concept and commitment to popular education and a critical view of the environment.

Open colloquium for the environment

To access the space of the collaborative colloquium on the environment you can click on the button that you will find below.

With the support of:




C/ Rocafort 242, bis, 3rd floor,
CP 08029 Barcelona

Phone: (+34) 934334541



METRO: L5 Entença

BUS: D40 / H8 / 59 / 27


Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Edificio Departamental y de Investigación, 2ª Planta Surā€‹

 Pso. Blas Cabrera Felipe “Físico” s/n CP 35016 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - España

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