Network for the right to a
Proper Nutrition
Nutrición Sin Fronteras participates in the Network for the Right to Adequate Food in Barcelona, which was established in 2018 through the Initiative and Monitoring Group (GIS) of the Barcelona Garantía Social Project. This initiative was driven by the Citizen Agreement for an Inclusive Barcelona to promote networking and co-production among the city's key stakeholders working to ensure that every family or individual autonomously meets their most basic needs.
The network consists of GIS entities dedicated to guaranteeing the right to food, actively collaborating to develop and agree upon a collaborative model to ensure adequate food rights in the city of Barcelona.
with the support of:
Nutrición Sin Fronteras, present at the XDAA meetings.
During the last quarter of 2023, Nutrición Sin Fronteras has been present at the XDAA meetings held on October 24th and December 14th.
These meetings have been of great interest to entities in general, as they provided an opportunity to explain and discuss the new situation that the most vulnerable people will face with the new system under the European FEAD Funds. This new system, which introduces some interesting innovations, also poses a challenge for all entities concerned about the possibility of a significant portion of the population previously receiving aid being excluded from this new process.
The public administrations' intention is to work together with entities to find a solution to this issue.
Social Feeding Day: current situation and future scenarios
On Thursday, June 15, 2023, Nutrición Sin Fronteras (NSF) had the opportunity to participate in the Social Feeding Conference: Current Situation and Future Scenarios.
In this session organized by the Barcelona Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS), the Alimenta project, and the Network for the Right to Adequate Food (XDAA), NSF's director, Núria Camps, shared the organization's perspective on the current situation, highlighting the work carried out within the Comparteix el Menjar project.
Below, we are sharing the full report of the conference, where you can find contributions from all the participants.
On Thursday, December 16, we participated in the XDAA of the Citizen Agreement to present the Report on the food crisis and the response of the city of Barcelona, a collaborative effort post-COVID by 15 social entities, including Nutrición Sin Fronteras, along with other stakeholders and the Barcelona City Council. It was a space for discussion, working on the report, and reflecting on future food strategies.
1. Compared to 2019, there is between a 21% and 23% increase in the number of people at risk of social exclusion.
2. Coverage has been provided to 195,272 individuals, representing 46% coverage of those estimated by the IERM to be at risk of poverty.
3. The response model emphasizes self-sustainability to avoid dependence on assistance, achieved through activities ensuring process integration (digitalization of aid systems and standardization of social criteria and aid systems); dignification (prioritizing projects that foster personal development through education, job placement, etc.); and a collaborative model, aiming for governance collaboration between public administration and social entities.
On March 3, 2020, the meeting of the Network for the Right to Adequate Food (XDAA) was held at the Hotel Arts in Barcelona. Nutrición Sin Fronteras (NSF) had the opportunity to present our work to all entities in the sector. During the meeting, the chef of Hotel Arts conducted a demonstration showing how they freeze and deliver surplus food items. This presentation was a significant moment for detailing our work to the entire sector during the first hour of the meeting.
Núria Camps, the new director of Nutrición Sin Fronteras, presented the organization's philosophy and mission, as well as the new presentation brochure. Víctor Martín, coordinator of the Barcelona Compartir Comida program, explained the logistics of the project. The Human Resources manager of Hotel Arts also discussed the hotel's approach to collaborating with NSF in reducing food waste.
Notice of Proposed Law Against Food Waste
We inform you that on Wednesday, March 4th, at 3:00 PM, the approval of the Proposed Law on the Reduction of Food Waste is scheduled for the Plenary Session of the Parliament of Catalonia.
The proposed law includes several positive aspects, such as the obligation for companies to report food waste and set improvement objectives, as well as the requirement to have a business plan to reduce waste, among others.
World Capital of Sustainable Food
Barcelona will host the Sustainable Food Summit in 2021, focusing on the process that the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona will undergo leading up to 2021 in food matters.
Marina Barroso, from PEMB, explains what the World Capital of Sustainable Food entails: "Barcelona World Capital of Sustainable Food 2021. From the Food Policy Strategy to the World Capital of Sustainable Food and the 2030 Strategy."