Solidarity kitchens
Project carried out with companies, organizations, and cooperatives in the restaurant sector who offer their infrastructure and human resources to prepare complete menus using surplus food provided by food-producing companies.

Non-profit cooperative of work and social initiative.
A cooperative that operates with social values and integrates various dimensions of individuals. They work with organic, local, and healthy products. Their aim is to introduce a culture of food through daily menus for children. The dining facility aspires to be a benchmark in providing quality food for groups.
Cooperative catering located in the Poble Sec neighborhood, Barcelona.
It's an initiative aimed at promoting organic, local, and transformative food through various awareness activities and offering sustainable catering services for events such as conferences, corporate meetings, and organizational gatherings.
We contact hotels and restaurants
to conduct a diagnosis and identify food waste that can be recovered.
Packaging and Labeling,
we collect food items properly packaged and labeled according to established protocols.
Specific training sessions to provide expertise
in food hygiene and handling, as well as meal planning.

"I value my relationship with Nutrición Sin Fronteras as unique. It's the train of solidarity and connection between humans that we have all boarded."
— Juan Umbert, FoodforGood
Solidarity kitchens
The Cuines Solidàries Project has continued to be active, facilitating
Menus (3 courses)
Additionally, menus prepared by 3 Solidarity Kitchens have also been distributed:
Fundació Dr. Melcior Colet
Fundació Tochette
Kg cooked food
Collaborating Kitchens


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