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Nutrition Without Borders celebrates its annual assembly for members 2024

We recently held the Annual Assembly for members for the year 2024 in the conference room of our headquarters in Barcelona. For this year, we were able to count on the members of the board of directors, including the president of the entity Lluís Serra Majem, the rest of the board of directors, the director and other members who came to learn more about the current situation of the NGO.

In the session, it was possible to learn about the economic situation for the year 2023, in which income amounts to €330,604.16, while total expenses were €265,378.88, giving rise to a positive result of €65,225.88.

Regarding project activities, we highlight the positive activity in the CRENS of Basse and Soma in Gambia and the opening for the first time in Senegal of new projects with networks of women that promote the processing of cereals to promote access to a healthy diet in the urban environment in Dakar and in Rufisque North. Also, as a novelty, the implementation of a project in Nejapa in El Salvador has been supported, based on the popular education methodology, which contributes to improving community sanitation and crop diversification to improve the family diet.

A citizenship program has been carried out through an Exhibition in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria entitled Malnutrition in the Gambia after the impact of COVID and war, which has been traveling to different faculties of the ULPGC.

As far as Catalonia is concerned, the Comparteix el Menjar program has been promoted, with which active work is being done to prevent food waste and with clear positive effects not only in the social sphere but also in the environmental sphere in favor of the planet.

The assembly not only served to approve the report and balance of the previous year and the budget for 2024, but also approved the main strategic lines of the entity for the period 2025 - 2030 that will be presented at the beginning of next year, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of Nutrition Without Borders.

Within these strategic lines, two working groups were created that can incorporate multidisciplinary professionals in two large areas: The field of international cooperation and the field of social action with the “Comparteix el Menjar” program that has been operating for 12 years.

The session ended with interventions by the board of directors and some members, who were able to contribute their perspective on the past, present and future of the entity.

We thank all attendees for their participation and commitment to the organization, and we look forward to working together in this promising future that we see ahead.

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