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What tax benefits does donating provide to the company?
According to Law 03/2020, March 11th, there is an obligation to account for food products donated for free distribution.
Nutrición Sin Fronteras is recognized as one of the 96 public utility entities, and therefore, we issue annual certificates for donated kilograms.
Who is responsible for food safety?
The donor is responsible for ensuring delivery with sanitary guarantees.
Nutrición Sin Fronteras assumes responsibility from the moment it receives the food until it reaches its final destination.
Perishable foods with microbiological risks should not be donated unless they are properly stored and transported at the correct temperature to social entities. These include fresh, unpackaged meat and fish, salads, dishes with fresh egg products, hot foods that are not liquid or do not have a liquid base (such as rice, pasta, grilled meat, etc.), and foods displayed to the public in showcases or buffets.
What food control measures are in place for the delivered food?
We conduct periodic analyses of randomly selected dishes delivered. Kitchens collaborating with Nutrición Sin Fronteras must have a favorable health registration.
What criteria does Nutrición Sin Fronteras follow in distributing to entities?
According to the characteristics of each entity, taking into account storage conditions and the people served.