Networking project to guarantee the right to healthy food through
of reducing food waste
of companies in the food sector

social entities

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Promoting autonomy
and empowerment
of individuals
and avoid
welfare-based models

Ensuring the right
to healthy food

Reduce the footprint
Reducing the destruction
of food surplus
Give visibility to the commitment
of food co-responsibility
within the network of actors

so that actions
in support of vulnerable
groups increase



Description of company involvement
KG recovered
Saving of ______
liters of water
Reduction of ______
kg of CO2

Description of company involvement
KG recovered
Saving of ______
liters of water
Reduction of ______
kg of CO2

Description of company involvement
KG recovered
Savings of ______
liters of water
Reduction of ______
kg of CO2

Description involvement company
KG recovered
Saving ______
liters of water
Reduction ______
kg of CO2

Comparteix el menjar is a social and
environmental commitment

In line with global food policy
The Catalan Law 3/2020 of March 11, pioneering in food waste management, includes the obligation to account for donated kilograms and generated waste.
In line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda

Increases the social and environmental commitment of companies
Collaborating on the project "Comparteix el Menjar" and contributing surplus food reduces the environmental impact of companies.
Savings in CO2 emissions
(3.8 kg of CO2 per kilogram of food recovered).
Water savings
(1000 liters per kilogram of food wasted).

Tax benefits
for food

Reduces storage
space for the
Comparteix el menjar
How does it work?

How it works
Nutrició Sense Fronteres?

Our collaborators

Supporting Institutions