A non-profit organization working since 2005 to contribute to reducing global nutritional inequalities in accordance with human rights.
We act from the perspectives of cooperation, education, equity, and training, promoting balanced use of food resources and solidarity among peoples, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
Since 2012, we have been working with the project Comparteix el Menjar to strengthen networking efforts to ensure the right to healthy food through reducing food waste. The goal is to promote autonomy and empower individuals while also decreasing the ecological footprint by minimizing the destruction of surplus food.
Since 2005, we have been working on the
Program to combat maternal and child malnutrition in the Republic of Gambia through 2 Nutritional Recovery and Education Centers (CRENs), located in the regions of Basse and Soma.
Conferences and impulse
of tools for
promote the SAN
Promotion of the right to global food from local struggles: towards more just, equitable, and solidarity-based food systems in the (post) COVID-19 era.
Implementation of the nutritional intervention for the Piecitos Colorados Program by the Prosegur Foundation.
The objective of the proposal is to improve the nutritional status of children in the schools participating in the program through the development of dietary guidelines and educational materials using a comprehensive approach.
- Liters saved -
is equivalent to

18 Olympic-sized swimming pools

- Tons of CO2 saved -
We act on 10 Sustainable Development Goals

We have been featured in
The Pantry of the Fira
is distributed in the Raval
La Vanguardia March 27, 2020
More than 2,500 kg of
cooked foods
for those most in need
La Vanguardia March 24, 2020